Shanghai Yangshan
Welcome to Steinweg
Steinweg is a globally operating independent service provider in the fields of storage, handling, forwarding, chartering and other related commodity logistics services.
Do you need transport or warehousing? Arrange it now!
How can we help you?
About Steinweg
Shanghai Yangshan
In Shanghai Yangshan, C. Steinweg built two warehouse buildings with a total indoor capacity of 40,000sqms and 15,000sqms outdoor yards. This warehouse location started operating in Nov. 2017. We handle mainly non-ferrous metals, such as Copper, Nickel, Zinc, Lead etc. In Oct.2018, C. Steinweg Yangshan warehouse was approved to be the SHFE (Shanghai Future Exchange) nominated copper warehouse.
175 +
Years of experience
40.000 m2
of indoor capacity
15.000 m2
of outdoor yards